Monday, April 04, 2005


(Candidates are required to work on Paper 1 and Paper 2 simultaneously.)

Paper 1 - Air Traffic Control Problems
(80 questions)

Paper 2 - Instruction Test (Listening)
(20 questions)

(Paper 1 & Paper 2 - 40 minutes)
Candidates are required to answer questions in Paper 1 on the basis of information in the charts which provide flight details such as speed, altitude and route of planes.

You will start with Paper 1 and while you are working, you will listen to questions of Paper 2 on recorded tapes through the head-set on your desk. Questions of Paper 2 are mainly mathematical in nature.
Paper 3 – Critical Thinking Appraisal
(60 questions)
(30 minutes)
This is a test to see how well you can understand written passages, make logical evaluation of information, recognize assumptions and evaluate propositions.
Paper 4 – Checking
(40 questions)
(15 minutes)
In each question, 10 pairs of numbers/names are given. Candidates are requires to check for the number of identical pairs.
Paper 5 – Numerical Calculation & Estimation
(28 questions)
(6 minutes)
Candidates are required to make quick and accurate calculations on simple numerical problems.
Candidates are not allowed to use calculators for this paper.
Paper 6 - Diagramming
(50 questions)
(20 minutes)
For each question, there are four figures. You will be given signals instructing how to change the figures, e.g. by turning the figure 90 clockwise, reversing the figure, etc. You have to find out the resultant four figures.
Paper 7 – Number Series Reasoning
(36 questions)
(20 minutes)
All the numbers in the questions are arranged in the form of a series or in a grid with one or two numbers missing. You have to find out the relationship among the numbers so as to decide which is/are the missing number(s).
Paper 8 – Spatial Visualization
(40 questions)
(15 minutes)
For each question, you are given a shape on the left of the page and five shapes on the right. You are to find out which shape on the right is identical to the one on the left.

A very challenging exam.
Shall I take it?
I hesitate.
But not because the exam itself...


At 27/5/14 08:59, Blogger Unknown said...

so did you take it in the end ?


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